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Augmented Reality Projects
We believe that the future of storytelling lies in augmented reality!

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seen Camera
Seen Camera is an immersive storytelling toolkit that allows anyone to tell their story in under a minute!

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Boston Project
In partnership with Snapchat, we built a lens overlaying historical images onto modern cities!

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Using AR games to encourage people to explore nature and reconnect with their local environments, all while collecting valuable eco-data!

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Baby Fairy
An immersive pregnancy tracker that allows you to follow fetal development and progess, as well as offering weekly health tips!

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Louis Botha Statue Project
Landmarker Tech enabled us to bring colonial statues to life, revolutionising history education.

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Quran AR
This lens was built to help communities understand their religious texts, using wearable AR devices!
Visit our Snapchat and Instagram pages to explore our other AR experiences!
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